Monday, 12 November 2012

The whole story, Paul Cheese ...Just for the Record

Here is a rough edit of some of the video from the trip                                                      

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

All part of the adventure! week beginning 28/09/12

Week beginning 28th September 2012

These last few weeks i’ve been out free tracking the last of the overdubs for the album. woo ha!

A disused 300 metre hop railway tunnel, such an immense sound with a long decay, recorded drum parts and backing vocals here. 

Great example of free tracking ( recording in an inspirational location) 
Singing in the dark with the imagination of what is in this tunnel? Scary…walked a little faster to get out of there!

About a mile hike along the old railway embankment as the autumn sun was setting.....

Lamberhurst church, such history and an amazing thought provoking old building. 

Standing in the middle of the nave, on my own with the sound of the wind and the rain on the stain glass windows. Then a moment of sunshine lit up the church.

The 2nd world war pillbox out side Bodium castle, recorded some guitar and backing vocals here ( with the occasional child running in making machine gun noises) 

Great reflecting the sound of your voice off of the top of the ceiling. I bet when they built the pillbox they were not thinking about recording vocals…especially with a laptop?

So, the last of the tracks are with the producer Clive Martin now……just the last mix tweaks to go!.....getting closer now

Press is starting to roll, momentum is great!

Shameless plug for my links my links:


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Gathering momentum, Week beginning 110912

Week beginning 11th September 2012

Hey! I just wanted to start this blog with a big thank you to all that have been working, advising, encouraging and helping put this album together!

And another massive THANKS to all those that have pre ordered the album via pledge music:  the pledge is at 63% now which is fantastic!

........Had a great bank holiday weekend of gigs,

Acoustic stage at the Local and live festival:


Top Right, Picture by Mark roe
Right, Picture by Michael Houghton
Left, Picture by Peter Richardson

4th Wall with Fusion at the Forum:

And a great day playing the Angel stage at Cranbrook festival:

We are putting the finishing touches to the last of the tracks this week and back in the studio next week, aiming to nail some more mixes.

Also been editing the footage from the trip and meeting with some great tv people that have been advising on the “making of/documentary/video” and putting all of the artwork together for the album:

Been in the London road studios for close up photos to finish off the artwork:

Very exciting times! everything is starting to gather momentum………

Shameless plug for my links my links:



Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Microphone-box, Week beginning 16/08/12

How to get the sound of guitar in a phone box?

How can you make a kick drum sound massive ( go into the woods and KICK it) a haha

Or whack it with a big bit of wood!

These last weeks have been filled with video edits, story boards, photos, backing vocals, percussion and many many other moments that are going into the album.

Been seeing a lot of this: (hours and hours of video editing)

So it is really good to break up some of the days with "Free tracking" extra parts for the songs..

....And to get a bit creative with the camera whilst recording ( video camera inside the kick drum, inside a telephone box )

And how about some major 80's style water on the drum....(blimey it was hot in that phone box!)

I have been entering some of the photos to obscure photo competitions:

Amongst lots of other promo stuff.

Things are all motoring along and i'm working with some really good people that are investing their time to make this album special!

Shameless plug for my Pledge music page:

From this page you can pre order your copy of the album “….just for the record” 

Friday, 10 August 2012

Looking as good as they sound, week beginning 060812

week beginning 060812

Getting creative with sound inspires art.

Finding locations that sound great also have many awesome visual features too!

I’m really enjoying the final stages of these songs.

.........and finding the right sounds to finish them off, hence why I am recording backing vocals in light houses and floor stomps in oasts.

Free Tracking! ( recording in an inspirational location)

Nearly 5 tracks mixed and finished now! Its been hectic, but fantastic!

This is really helping the video/film take shape, as the album is the soundtrack to our adventure and the cycle journey was/is the film of the recording.

Another week, another leap.

Forthcoming album:

….Just for the record

For anyone that would like to pre order a copy of the album, i have set up a pledge page. this is also a little help with the final production costs (a percentage goes to Great Ormond Street), here is the link:

Thanks for looking!


Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The best place to record a drum kit? Week beginning 240712

Week beginning 240712

The best place to record a drum kit?

1.   A phone box in a quiet street
2.   A recording studio
3.   In the middle of the woods
4.   Top of a hill
5.   Don’t play a kit, play a bike…..

The album is like a giant jigsaw puzzle with all the parts recorded all over the country, some parts close recorded, some experimental recorded and others just “capture the moment”

Another great week full of edits, free tracking, overdubs and rehearsal!

2 tracks have been mixed and ready for the album!
Such a milestone, from the initial idea, to being able to hear and be proud of the results!

Forthcoming album:

….Just for the record

For anyone that would like to donate, I have set up a pledge page for a little help with the final production costs of the album (a percentage goes to Great Ormond Street), here is the link:

I also have a Just giving page for donations direct to Great Ormond Street:

The whole trip has been self funded (so it should be ) but any help with the final production costs would be much appreciated!